Publications & Media Clubs

Let your voice be heard by joining one of our literary publications or media organizations. Cover the campus news, run your own radio show or help publish annual literary magazines and journals.

Apprentice Writer  — A student-edited literary magazine which accepts entries in poetry, fiction, and non-fiction from secondary students across the United States.

Essay Magazine  A publication that features creative writing and photography.

Gingko Magazine Gingko Magazine is a magazine focused on sustainability and the environment.

Flagship — A publication that features creative work and photography that focuses on students’ GO program experiences.

FUSE (Forum for Undergraduate Student Editors) — A national network for student editors and writers, founded by our Writers Institute, to foster visionary literary magazine work that aims to build a community for student editors and writers across the country.

Her Campus — A national online magazine written for and by college women providing content on college life and popular culture.

The Lanthorn — The annual yearbook.


The Quill  — Our student-run newspaper.

Rivercraft  — A literary journal that publishes fiction, poetry and artwork.

Sanctuary — A literary magazine dedicated to fantasy, sci-fi and speculative fiction

Susquehanna University PressThe Susquehanna University Press is an independent literary press, student learning lab, and small business that focuses on the creative and business sides of publishing.

The Susquehanna Review — A national literature journal featuring the work of undergraduate writers from across the United States.

WQSU — Join one of the largest student-run radio stations in the state!

Like Ike Films — Gain experience in the firm making process and work on short films.

The Squirrel — Satirical publication which provides students opportunities to develop their writing skills.



As a DJ on WQSU-FM’s airways, you’ll be the radio voice of Susquehanna University.

It doesn’t matter what major you are … all students are welcome to join the staff of WQSU-FM, The Pulse! Whether you’re a station DJ or a member of the management staff, you’ll gain hands-on experience running one of the largest college radio stations in Pennsylvania.

No prior experience with radio is required. The proper tools and training will be provided before you start.


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Selinsgrove, Pa. 17870

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